Healthy Waterways
Keep Omaha Beautiful engages our community in service projects and educational resources to help curb one of the leading causes of water pollution: polluted stormwater runoff. Browse the resources below to learn more and get involved.
KOB's stormwater awareness and pollution prevention program, "Healthy Waterways," helps residents understand how the storm drain system is connected to our local rivers, lakes, and other waterways. We work with the City of Omaha’s Stormwater Program to educate the public about the simple, every day actions they can take to prevent stormwater pollution, including:
- Don't litter, and help clean up litter if you find it
- Pick up after pets, including in the yard
- Never dump anything down a storm drain
- Dispose of household chemicals properly
- Sweep grass clippings and leaves back into your yard, never blow them in the street
- Help slow runoff by collecting rain water in a rain barrel
Resources for Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Volunteer with KOB for a storm drain labeling project, and help prevent water pollution! Individuals and groups can take part in this volunteer effort. Help clean, then label storm drain inlets aroud the city with "No Dumping, Drains to Waterways" decals, and distribute educational materials to neighbors.
The City of Omaha's Stormwater program encourages everyone to play a part in actively managing stormwater. They offer residents resources to help protect streams and rivers, wildlife habitats, and our water supply from pollutants that are present throughout the urban landscape.
KOB has a variety of interactive Environmental Education programs focused on stormwater topics. Our classroom and group programs help young people understand how runoff from urban environments impacts local waterways, where water pollution comes from, and practical ways to prevent it.
"Only Rain Down the Storm Drain" Video Series